Pathways To Surrender – The Book | Home

Surrender to our authentic self is one of the primary goals of spiritual practice and a key aspect of human evolution and awakening. This book contains over fifty guided meditations, covering a wide range of spiritual topics and human issues, but always gently guiding and reminding the reader to let go of that which is not true and surrender to the higher truth within them. These meditations originate from a higher source, a place of deep connectedness and a more unified state of mind. They speak both to the conscious mind and to that deeper awareness within each one of us.

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Pathways To Surrender – Kindle Format

Pathways To Surrender – Paperback

You can find out more about this process used to deliver these meditations, ask a question, and read messages and answers here.

You can learn more about the work that Michael and Judy do at and

Michael and Judy’s first book

Opening and Allowing book

This book is a collection of messages and answers to questions delivered through Michael Warmuth while in a state of deep connection with his higher self, or deeper awareness. Some might call this process channeling but to Michael it is clear that it is simply a process of opening to what is available to all of us – the infinite wisdom of the universe. There are no entities involved.

The material in this book contains timeless wisdom and truth, applied to everyday living, relationships, money, emotional healing, health, spiritual growth and practice, and many other topics. There is something in here for everybody.

You can buy this book in paperback or Kindle format using the links below.

Opening And Allowing – Kindle Format

Opening And Allowing – Paperback